Thursday 18 February 2016

Different Music Videos

Whilst researching stop motion music videos, I came across a few bands that I've never heard of, with some very interesting and different styles of stop motion...

Push pins and thread

Cassette tapes

Story in a bed

Terrible song, brilliant video
This video impresses me the most, as it utilises loads of different styles of stop motion. It must have been so difficult and time consuming to make...

Although it may not look it, this video is very impressive. It is different to any other stop motion video I have seen, which makes it great. It must have taken so long, and used up so many pieces of toast! I hope they didn't let all that food go to waste...

Paper shapes
I love the first part of this video - the paper shapes stood up and animated. It is something different.

Here's a list of some of the 'most epic music videos featuring stop motion animation'

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