Thursday 18 February 2016


This guy.

Fresh Guacamole, 2013

Adam Pesapane (born 1973) is an American director and stop-motion animator. He has directed many short films and commercials since the early 2000s. His 2013 short film Fresh Guacamole was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, which makes it the shortest film ever nominated for an Oscar. 
His signature style is his use of everyday objects to tell interesting and/or funny stories through stop-motion animation.
PES has cited Czech surrealist Jan Svankmajer as an influence on his work.

I have loved the work of PES for years, and his style of animation and storytelling makes me want to learn and explore stop-motion. I really enjoy all his short films, but I think my favourite is Roof Sex, one of his earlier creations. It is just so funny and clever.

Roof Sex, 2002

Apparently, Roof Sex was in fact PES's first animated film. It must have been pretty popular, as it was featured at over 100 film festivals worldwide and won many awards.
They say stop-motion is time consuming - this one minute long video took 20 days to shoot!

Another great animation of his, is Human Skateboard, made as a commercial for Sneaux Shoes. This type of stop motion has been done many times, but this may be one of the first.
Human Skateboard, 2007

It is not just short films and commercials that PES has written and directed, he is also developing two feature length films, so keep your eyes peeled.

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