Friday 19 February 2016


After I'd figured out what I wanted to do for my final piece (about a few days before hand in) I ran into some problems. 
Certain parts of the sound effector tutorial I followed didn't seem to work. The software was not allowing me to add texture to my shapes. I tried for hours to figure it out, to no avail. I even asked people in my class for their advice, the only people who knew how to use Cinema 4D.
I also had problems with my sound files - my WAV. file formats weren't working in C4D for some reason.. Even though the software supported my previous wav files. I figured it out in the end, after a few hours - it turned out that the sample rate was too high, so I had to edit and convert them so that they worked..
By this time, the texture problem still wasn't working out, and I didn't want to spend many hours making this animation, if it wasn't going to work out how I expected. It turns out that using new software can let you down...

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